Via Vicinale Cupa Cintia 21
Master of Science in
Geology and Applied Geology
The Master of Science in Geology and Applied Geology provides the tools necessary for acquiring knowledge and skills in all the main Earth Science branches. The master program uses the most advanced techniques of
data acquisition, analysis and interpretation to form a modern and flexible professional figure. The graduates can successfully find job placement in several fields, such as assessment of natural hazard (hydrogeological, volcanic, seismic), support to monitoring and management of natural and anthropic risk, subsurface exploration devoted to the sustainable use of natural resources and design of civil engineering works.
Furthermore, they may enter in the research world joining PhD research programs. The master program offers several exchange possibilities for internship and traineeship with international Universities (Erasmus program) and companies.
The two-years Master of Science program in Geology and Applied Geology aims at forming a professional figure with:
- a deep background in the main Earth Science fields
- a global view of the issues concerning the territorial setting
- remarkable skills in standard and advanced geological, geophysical and geochemical techniques applied to environmental topics and to natural hazard assessment and management.
The distinctive feature of the Master of Science program is to complement frontal lessons with field trips, laboratory trainings and traineeships at public and private Companies and Research Institutes, along with internships at Italian and foreign Universities, mostly in the framework of Erasmus programs.
The Master of Science in Geology and Applied Geology at the University of Naples includes four paths focused on different main topics, even though a certain flexibility for the student to build his/her own path exists.
The unconditional admission to the Master of Science in Geology and Applied Geology is allowed to the students who gained a bachelor degree in Geology at University of Napoli Federico II and, in general, at any other Italian university. An internal DiSTAR committee decides about conditional admissions of students with a different Italian or foreign bachelor degree and indicates the specific courses needed to be completed before admission.
I laureati del corso di laurea magistrale in Geologia e Geologia Applicata trovano sbocchi professionali nei seguenti ambiti: cartografia geologica, telerilevamento e gestione di sistemi informativi territoriali, redazione di
piani per l'urbanistica, il territorio, l'ambiente e le georisorse, analisi, prevenzione e mitigazione dei rischi geologici, idrogeologici e ambientali, analisi, recupero e gestione di siti degradati e siti estrattivi dismessi, studi per la valutazione dell'impatto ambientale e la valutazione ambientale strategica, indagini geognostiche e geofisiche per l'esplorazione del sottosuolo, studi geologici applicati all'ingegneria e alla pericolosità ambientale, reperimento, valutazione e gestione delle risorse idriche e dei geomateriali d'interesse industrial
Thanks to the acquired skills, the graduates in Geology and Applied Geology can find job placements in:
- remote sensing and GIS management
- territorial, environmental and urban planning
- retrieval and management of energy and mineral resources
- environmental impact assessment
- geological and geophysical exploration
- engineering geology and environmental hazard assessment
- recognition and management of water resources and of geomaterials for commercial and industrial applications
- identification and management of polluted areas for risk analysis
- assessment and prevention of degradation processes on cultural heritage
- analysis and certification of geomaterials.
Through an admission test, the graduate students in Geology and Applied Geology can enter to PhD programs, second level specialising masters, specialisation schools in the main fields of geosciences, offered by national and international academic and research institutions.
4 Compulsory courses |
36 CFU |
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Magmatism and Tectonic Settings
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Geology Applied to Civil Engineering
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Geophysical Data Modelling
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4 Curriculum courses (All the courses must be chosen from the following four sub-paths): |
24 CFU |




3 free-choice courses from a list available at
18 CFU
Internship at Companies and Research Institutions
Team Project
Degree thesis*
30 CFU
* with acquisition of geological, geophysical and remote sensing field data, petrographic, geochemical, geotechnical and geophysical laboratory analyses.
The cousers are held at Monte Sant'Angelo Campus, Builing 10 (Naples), where also the library and the student bureau are located. You can reach the campus by bus from the Campi Flegrei metro station (Linea 2 Trenitalia), from Mostra station of Cumana railway and by several private buses from other towns in the neighborhoods of Naples